Recommend Reads: What I Thought I Knew by Alice Eve Cohen (306.874 COH)
Alice has long since reconciled with her infertility. Although she is recently divorced, she is planning to marry her boyfriend who loves her 9-year old adopted daughter as much as she does. At the age of 44, she is finally beginning to feel happiness as she plans her wedding. However, she begins to suffer strange abdominal symptoms from an illness her doctor cannot seem to diagnose. Although the doctor tells her she is not, she begins to suspect she is pregnant. However, the pregnancy test comes back negative. An ultrasound performed for the purpose of looking for a tumor reveals that she is almost 20 weeks pregnant (turns out that a pregnancy test only works in the first trimester). The rest of this incredible story deals with her struggles to accept what a pregnancy means for her at her advanced maternal age, and the real possibility of severe complications to the fetus. This, compounded by the fact that no doctor, even a high-risk pregnancy doctor, would accept her as a patient at such a late stage of the pregnancy. Spell-binding…